How to Manage Your Voicemail Across All 3CX Devices? [Video]
Are you concerned about missing calls because you’re not available? In this video, we’ll explain how to manage your voicemail to avoid missing any important calls made for you.

0:32 Managing Voicemail on Desk Phone
- To check your voicemail messages, press the Voicemail or Message button.
- Enter your PIN.
- Press # and then *.
0:58 Managing Voicemail on Desktop
1. 3CX Windows App- Press the voicemail button on the menu at the bottom.
- Press the record button to record a new greeting.
- Follow the instructions on the screen and put a name for your voicemail file.
- After entering the filename, you’ll receive a call.
- Press “Answer.”
- Once you’re done recording your message, press the pound “#” button.
- Press “1” to redo the recording.
- Press “2” to verify or playback the recording you did.
- Press “0” to save the recording.
- Press “#” to exist voicemail recording and not save anything.
- Press “Record Greeting.”
- Enter the filename.
- When you receive a call, press “answer.”
- Follow the instructions the program will prompt you to do.
3:21 Managing Voicemail on Smartphone
- For iOS, access the settings by pressing the menu then the voicemail option.
- For Android, press the voicemail option at the bottom of the screen.
To help you in your 3CX journey, please check out the 3CX How-to video series.