Kharmela Mindanao

By: Kharmela Mindanao on July 5th, 2023

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How to Choose the Right Co-managed IT Provider (5 Easy Steps)

Co-Managed IT

After deciding to find the right co-managed IT partnership, you now have to ask yourself: which co-managed IT provider do I partner with? 

With hundreds of co-managed IT providers available, how do you find the perfect fit for your business? 

Intelligent Technical Solutions (ITS), as a co-managed IT provider with over 20 years of experience in the business, knows it’s not just a matter of finding the nearest, most expensive company. 

So in this article, we’ve listed the best way to find the right provider for you: 

Step 1: Identify Your IT Needs 

identifyBefore diving into the selection process, it’s crucial to understand your organization’s IT needs clearly. 

Start by assessing your current IT infrastructure, identifying pain points, and determining the areas where you need assistance. Consider factors such as network security, cloud services, data backup, software support, and help desk support. 

Tools such as an IT needs analyzer and network assessment can help streamline this process. 

This first step will provide a solid foundation for finding a co-managed IT provider that can effectively address your requirements. 

Step 2: Research Potential Providers 

researchOnce you have a clear picture of your IT needs, it’s time to research potential co-managed IT providers. 

Search for recommendations from industry peers, read online reviews, and explore the websites of different providers. Lists of the best providers in areas such as Las Vegas, Phoenix, Olympia, the Bay Area, and Los Angeles are available from various sources. 

Any potential provider should also have the following: 

  • A proven track record, 
  • Extensive experience, and 
  • Expertise in your specific industry. 

Pay attention to the range of services they offer, their technological capabilities, and their approach to customer support. Also, look closely at their organization’s overall values and culture. 

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Step 3: Evaluate Provider Capabilities 

evaluate-1Narrow down your list of potential providers and evaluate their capabilities. 

Request case studies or references to understand their past projects and success stories. Assess their technical expertise, growth capacity, certifications, and partnerships with leading technology vendors. 

Lastly, evaluate their disaster recovery and business continuity strategies to ensure your operations are safeguarded in case of unforeseen events.  

Step 4: Assess Communication and Collaboration 

communication and collaborationEffective communication and collaboration are vital in a co-managed IT relationship. Strong communication and collaboration will foster a productive and efficient partnership. 

Evaluate how potential providers communicate with their clients and whether they have transparent reporting mechanisms. Transparent reporting involves having a dedicated account manager to ensure a smooth flow of communication. You should also assess their availability for urgent issues and their responsiveness to queries. 

Step 5: Request Proposals and Compare Costs 

compare costsFinally, request detailed proposals from the shortlisted providers and compare their costs. 

Ensure the proposals address your needs and provide a comprehensive breakdown of the services, deliverables, and associated costs. Look at the pricing structure, scalability options, and contract terms. 

While cost is essential, it should not be the sole determining factor. Focus on the value the provider brings to your organization and the potential return on investment. 

Signs of a Great Co-managed IT Provider 

If you’re having difficulty choosing the right co-managed provider, you can rely on the following signs they’ll be an excellent partner: 

They’re experts with robust technical knowledge.

A good provider will have a team of skilled professionals with deep expertise in various IT domains, such as networking, cybersecurity, cloud computing, and infrastructure management. They should stay updated with the latest industry trends and possess relevant certifications. 

Managed IT technicians with robust technical knowledge

The company is large enough to handle sudden changes and growth.

Next, the provider should be able to adapt to your organization’s changing needs. They should offer flexible service models and be capable of scaling their support based on your requirements. 

They push for proactive IT monitoring and maintenance.

A proactive approach is crucial in IT management. There should be advanced monitoring tools and techniques to identify and address potential issues before they become significant problems. 

The provider should also manage and maintain your IT infrastructure to minimize downtime and maximize performance. 

They have robust and consistent communication and collaboration skills.

Effective communication is essential for a successful co-managed IT relationship. The provider should have clear communication channels, be responsive to your queries, and provide regular updates on the status of your systems and projects. 

They should work collaboratively with your in-house IT team and be open to feedback and suggestions, while understanding your business objectives and aligning their services accordingly. 

a team with consistent communication and collaboration skills

They’re focused and engaged with your cybersecurity & regulatory compliance.

A good co-managed IT provider will also prioritize security measures and have robust protocols to protect your systems, data, and networks. They should be well-versed in industry best practices and compliance regulations relevant to your business sector. 

Read: “Can an MSP Help You with Regulatory Compliance?” 

They have a proven track record with other companies in your field.

Lastly, look for a provider with a strong track record of delivering successful co-managed IT services. Check for testimonials, case studies, and client references to gauge their performance and customer satisfaction levels. A reputable provider will have a history of building long-term relationships with their clients. 

Ready to Find the Best Co-managed IT Provider? 

Choosing the right co-managed IT provider is a critical decision that can significantly impact your organization’s efficiency and success. 

A well-chosen co-managed IT provider will become a trusted partner, supporting your organization’s IT infrastructure and allowing you to focus on your core business functions. 

Continue your journey of finding the best co-managed IT partner for you with the following resources: 

As a company with over 20 years of experience in the IT industry, we’re also prepared to answer any questions you might have about co-managed IT immediately. Schedule a meeting with our experts and find out what co-managed IT can really do for your business. 

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