Marketing Team

By: Marketing Team on December 4th, 2020

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What Makes a Great IT Team?

Managed IT Services

No matter what the context, whether it's sports, research, or business, having a great team working together can make all the difference. So what makes a great IT Team? This article will help you find out.

What makes a great team?

One of the best things about choosing to work with a Managed IT Service Provider is that you get access to a team of people working alongside you. This can be so much more helpful than just having a one-person IT team helping you with all your troubles.

But what makes the team at Intelligent Technical Solutions so great?

Well, it's a combination of outstanding skills, great training, and a commitment to managing IT the right way. These three things come together to make the IT team at ITS the best solution for your business.

Knowledge and Training Together

An ongoing employee training

Peter Swarowski is the Director of Operations at Intelligent Technical Solutions and has a big role to play when developing their successful technology team.

He knows that solving technological problems takes more than just technological know-how. It takes a deep understanding of what is happening inside your business, and inside your network to give the end-user the desired result.

"People go to a trade school and interview with us while having all these certifications but as soon as we give them a real-world scenario they have no idea where to begin. You have to have your tool belt and be able to use those tools to solve problems," Swarowski said in regards to choosing his best IT candidates.

"You need to understand on a technical level how the thing works so you can dive into more detail. You don’t take anything for granted and you are able to go that extra level of problem-solving because you understand how everything works from the ground up and test your assumptions."

Swarowski emphasizes the combination of classroom learning alongside real-world application.

The IT team at ITS has worked rigorously to not only solve problems that affect real businesses but also have the certifications to back that knowledge up.

Having a team that is dedicated to creating a great IT knowledge center gives confidence to small businesses looking for a new technological solution.

The Best Way to Manage IT

An IT team

Acting as a managed service provider is more than just solving tech problems. These services are usually delivered remotely, especially in the age of Covid. This means that more than ever managed IT companies are not just in the business of technology; they are also in the business of customer service.

"We provide IT but we are customer service first and foremost," Swarowski says. "We need to be polite and do our best and work our way through those tough spots. We cannot be IT first and expect everyone to be happy. We need to deliver on customer service first."

This is an essential mindset for any successful managed IT services provider.

The people at ITS know that technology is complicated and that businesses are always changing. It takes people with good communication and collaboration skills to make those two things work well together.

Managing IT takes a lot of balance. You need to make sure that you are working alongside the businesses that depend on you. This can look different depending on what kind of company you run.

  • IT staff training
  • Security infrastructure checks
  • Creating safe mobile workplaces
  • Updating and reworking Old technology
  • Configuring systems to work best for your specific company
  • Providing additional security infrastructure

There are so many different services that managed IT can provide and it's the responsibility of the service provider to be able to handle them all. This is why it is so essential to have a great team across the board.

Give us a call to see how our great team at Intelligent Technical Solution can help your business today!

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