Mark Sheldon Villanueva

By: Mark Sheldon Villanueva on September 28th, 2021

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Who Are the Best Managed-IT Service Providers in Las Vegas? [Updated]

Managed IT Services | Las Vegas

Hundreds of MSPs are currently operating in Las Vegas, each with their own specific areas of expertise. So how do you find the best ones for your business? Take a look at the top 5 MSPs in Las Vegas and learn if they have what you’re looking for. 

Editor's note: This post was originally published on November 6, 2020, and has been revised for clarity and comprehensiveness.

Managing technology can be overwhelming. It requires a lot of your time, focus, and problem-solving skills. Those are resources you could have spent focusing on growing your company. Instead, you’re stuck using them to keep up with tech problems. 

And the problem is, as your company grows, so do the headaches produced by your technology. As the old business adage goes: “What got you to where you are now won’t get you to where you want to be.” 

That’s where Managed IT Service Providers (MSP) comes in. They will help keep your technology running so you can focus on achieving your business goals. Just like we’ve been doing for our clients at ITS for over a decade. 

Technicians maintaining a server

However, with hundreds of MSPs operating in Las Vegas, each with their own specialties and focus, how do you find the best one for your business? 

To help you make an informed decision, we’ve compiled a list of the five most notable IT service firms in Las Vegas for you to consider. But first, we’ll help you determine whether hiring an MSP is the best option for you by going through the pros and cons of outsourcing your IT. 

Pros and Cons of Outsourcing IT 

When it comes to deciding whether or not to outsource, you need to consider one thing: your resources. How much time and money are you willing to spend on creating and maintaining your own IT department? 

IT Team troubleshooting

As you can imagine, hiring experts and building infrastructure is a costly affair. If that option is not in the cards for you at this stage of your business, outsourcing may be the best choice for you. 

Here are some of the pros and cons of outsourcing your IT to an MSP: 

The Pros: 

1. Lessening the Need for Direct Hires

Less direct hires mean fewer expenses. The amount of money saved from not having to give benefits, training, etc., is quite substantial. 

2. Instant Access to a Larger Talent Base

Hiring locally means you’re missing out on global talent that’s easily accessible with today’s technology. 

The gap is getting smaller and smaller in terms of quality labor at home versus abroad. The internet has been the ultimate leveling field. 

3. Lower Labor Cost

It wasn’t too long ago when the common notion for outsourcing was trading off quality for the price. 

But when companies started discovering the best of both worlds: quality increase with decreasing labor costs, it’s no surprise that every year 300,000 jobs are outsourced by Americans yearly. 

Another benefit of lower labor costs? 

Companies can focus their payroll on talented manpower locally and outsource non-essential company tasks to equally qualified and less expensive international manpower. 

The Cons: 

1. Quality Control

If you and your MSP don’t set clear expectations early on, the quality of service may be compromised in the beginning process of outsourcing. 

With time, this concern is addressed, and performance eventually catches up to standard.

2. Communication Concerns

This covers everything from time differences, internet disruptions, cultural gaps, and basic technological disruptions. 

Communicating with co-workers in the same office is hard enough. 

Doing the same with staff from another country, in another time zone, with a different culture will have its fair share of challenges. 

Another major consideration is the medium of communication you will use: emails, chat, video conferencing, etc. It’s essential that both sides are able to communicate clearly without disruptions. 

3. Lack of Control

Many business owners treat their companies as their own children. As you can imagine, it’s not easy to put the responsibility of caring for your business on someone else’s shoulders. It’s one of the biggest hurdles owners have regarding outsourcing. 

Outsourcing inevitably leads to the lessening of control, which isn’t a bad thing. It’s about delegating non-essential tasks so you can focus on more important things.  

That, however, makes choosing an MSP even more challenging. Because now, you not only need to find a provider whose expertise fits your needs but also one that you can trust. 

Learn if Managed IT is the right solution for your business, read "Everything You Need to Know About Managed IT".

Top 5 Managed IT Companies in Las Vegas 

There are hundreds of MSPs operating in the area. And each provider has their specific areas of expertise. 

Managed Service Provider giving remote support

We at ITS, for example, specialize in working with small to medium businesses with 10 computers or more. We also thrive when we are tasked with taking over responsibility for entire networks. Other IT companies, however, may specialize more in cybersecurity. 

So how do you find the best MSP for your needs?  

For that reason, we’ve compiled a list of the five most notable IT Service Firms in Las Vegas for you to check out: 

Note: All information given is public, as listed on their websites. Our objective is to help save you time in the self-research process of knowing the IT industry in the Las Vegas area. 

Managed Service Provider Website and Location Quick Facts
NetEffect Logo
Las Vegas, Nevada

“NetEffect provides expertise in Solution Design, Project Management, Implementation, Monitoring & Remediation, and Support. 

Along with a full array of services, NetEffect provides and supports IT hardware and software, network equipment, security products, VoIP systems, and IP video security systems. 

NetEffect holds an authorization from the Nevada Gaming Commission to manage and support board-regulated hardware and software systems.” 

AIS Logo
North Las Vegas, Nevada 

“Our founding purpose was (and continues to be) to provide superior quality multifunction copier, printer, fax, and associated software products to businesses and organizations in Southern Nevada and Southern California. 

We believe that for each customer we service, the performance of our products and staff is what makes the difference.” 

Stimulus logo
Henderson, Nevada 

“Stimulus continues its development into Managed IT Services, including partnerships with VMWare and Microsoft to offer cloud solutions. These offerings allow businesses to expand, communicate, and mobilize their workforce with a changing economy.” 

Agilitec logo
Las Vegas, Nevada 

“Since 2007, Agilitec IT has been serving businesses in the Las Vegas area with next-generation technology and dedicated support for a small business price. 

Our goal is to help companies grow and thrive with proactive IT management by our team of certified and responsive engineers. When you partner with Agilitec, you can rely on technology that runs smoothly 24/7.

We eliminate network downtimes, outdated software, and cybersecurity concerns, saving you money and headaches down the line. 

Furthermore, we use only the best solutions and products in the market to ensure your networks, servers, and devices run optimized and ready to help you serve customers every day.” 

Ergos logo
Las Vegas, Nevada 

“Our goal is to be your full-service IT services partner, not just a provider. We believe IT support is all about relationships. We treat your challenges as our own and engage with you on a personal level, providing the best solutions and guidance and accepting nothing less than perfection as a result.”

Ready to choose an MSP for your business in Las Vegas? 

Remember: whatever IT company you choose in Las Vegas, find the one that prioritizes forging relationships based on trust. Because you’re not just hiring an MSP for their service, you’re choosing a partner that will help your business grow. 

As you may already know, ITS did not include itself in this list to avoid bias and to help give you a clearer picture of the industry in Las Vegas. 

We hope you find this information useful as you embark on your own managed IT journey. 

Want to learn more about managed IT? This article: Introduction to Managed IT might help. 

5 Big Ways IT Outsourcing can Boost your Company's Productivity