Marketing Team

By: Marketing Team on November 15th, 2020

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6 Ways to Avoid Ransomware Attacks


Ransomware is one of the biggest problems in the tech world. Ransomware attacks have grown in both scope and complexity since the creation of the personal computer. These kinds of attacks are something that everyone is vulnerable to, but that does not mean that you need to be the next victim. Read more to learn the 6 ways to avoid Ransomware. 

Here are 6 easy ways to help avoid a ransomware attack.

1. Secure your computer!

The first step is to make sure that your data is secured. This comes from basic protocols like using a strong password and encrypting files in your hard drive. Another good way to secure your computer and the documents inside is to use a 2FA method when logging in. 

A person checking his phone for a code

2FA is an easy way to ensure a boost in security that most hackers won't bother trying to get around.

Always remember that attackers are looking for the easiest targets they can find. Simply taking away brute force entry attempts by adding 2FA can make you too difficult a target to pursue. A little security can go a long way when it comes to malicious programs.

2. Use Privacy software when using Public WiFi

Using public WiFi is an easy way to expose yourself to numerous methods of attack. It's important to make your connection private and not allow potential attackers to sneak into your network.

We recommend using some sort of VPN to establish a secure link. This will help block your IP address and give you a secure tunnel to access the internet.

Security software like a VPN should be standard protocol when using WiFi networks that you don't trust.

3. Learn about phishing techniques.

a hacker trying to get into a system

Ransomware and malware programs typically get into your system through phishing techniques. Cybercriminals use either social engineering or complicated programs to trick you into giving away data or entering your password into a malicious program.

Learning about phishing techniques and what to look out for can help you from accidentally becoming a victim. You can research common tactics online or work with security experts to provide comprehensive cybersecurity training.

Some basic techniques to remember are:

  • Never click on unverified links
  • Don't click on spam, popups, or emails  you don't recognize
  • Only download from trusted sites
  • Avoid giving out personal information
  • Don't use unfamiliar USBs
  • Utilize email scanning and filtering

4. Back up your data!

Attackers can still be successful, even if you do everything right. Malware is always evolving and anyone can become a victim. This is why you need to have a disaster plan.

You can always limit the impact of a data breach if you take the right precautions beforehand.

Backing up critical data and encrypting it before malware gets in can help you recover. A cybercriminal may be able to access your files and freeze them, but you can rely on the backup to help with data recovery.

a laptop undergoing data recovery

This does not necessarily mean that you are out of the woods. You will still need to work with a security expert to ensure that the software is correctly removed, but backing up data can help you with business continuity reducing the risk of ransomware impact.

5. Stay ahead of the curve

The ransomware landscape is constantly changing.

Recent studies show a 273% percent rise in large-scale data breaches in the first quarter of 2020, compared to prior-year statistics, and a 109% year-over-year increase in ransomware attacks in the United States through the first half of 2020.

This just goes to show how one thing can change the entire cybersecurity landscape. Following threats and the trends associated with ransomware, operators can give you a way to stay ahead of cyber attacks and keep your sensitive data secure.

6. Work with a good IT Team

Getting your business totally secure can be impossible on your own. That's why its always smart to work with a security team to avoid a major threat.

A good Managed Services Provider can help you find the weak points in your network and provide basic security.

Give us a call if you are interested in learning about how our great managed IT services can help you protect yourself from ransomware!

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